3 Articles on Trust in Union Organizing


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Manipulation and Trust, Don’t Blame Coworkers, Self-Acceptance

By Fire with Fire

Trust is perhaps the most under-discussed element of grassroots union organizing. No good organizing happens without it yet it is rarely talked about in union trainings or articles. The three articles in this zine discuss how to avoid manipulation in your own organizing and how to build trusting relationships with coworkers even in the face of apathy or fear.

A free digital and printable pdf version of this zine is available at firewithfire.blog/pamphlets-of-blog-posts. This zine is well-suited to read together with a group of coworkers or friends who are motivated to start organizing on their job to win demands and better their lives at work.

Additional information

Weight 1.0 oz
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.1 in


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