May Day


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A Graphic History of Protest

By Graphic History Collective (Mark Leier, Robin Folvik, and Sean Carleton)
Illustrated by Sam Bradd and Trevor McKilligan
Between the Lines

May Day: A Graphic History of Protest traces the development of International Workers’ Day, May 1st, against the ever-changing economic and political backdrop in Canada. Recognizing the importance of work and the historical struggles of workers to improve their lives, with a particular focus on the struggles of May 1st, the comic includes the reader as part of this history, and the story concludes that “We are all part of this historical struggle; it’s our history and our future.”

May Day is a grand experiment in reviving the traditional holiday of working people, with lively comic art adding a new dimension to themes that need badly to be seen and understood by younger generations.”—Paul Buhle, author of Marxism in the United States

Additional information

Weight 4.5 oz
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 0.25 in


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