Women in the Workplace
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By Dorothy Schneider and Carl J. Schneider
From Goodreads:
The history of paid employment for women, whether they are assembly line workers, astronauts, cowgirls, prostitutes, members of the President’s Cabinet, or Supreme Court justices…this is the territory mapped out by The ABC-CLIO Companion to Women in the Workplace. Addressing the sweep of time from the colonial era to the present, the entries cover the events, organizations, and court cases that have changed working conditions for women and pinpoint the terms, concepts, and major issues confronted by women in industrial and professional careers, in nontraditional occupations, and as entrepreneurs. Several of the entries are biographical sketches that identify the individuals – both well known and obscure – whose particular struggles and achievements combine to weave the historical tapestry of women at work. The book’s A-to-Z entries are carefully cross-referenced to direct the reader to related topics; access to the entries is further enhanced by an end-of-book subject index. A separate section contains a concise chronology of events, and a bibliography points to sources for additional reading. Several black-and-white photographs bring people and places to life as only illustrations can. A well-organized volume that treats the full scope of the topic, this important reference source will be a boon to anyone investigation the diverse field of women at work.
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